Persuasive Letter

March 30, 2011

Abigail Felix
14132 Texas Rainbow
El Paso, TX, 79928

Mrs. Diana Natalicio
Office Phone (915) 747-5555
Office Fax (915) 747-5069
500 W. University Avenue
El Paso, Texas 79968

Dear Mrs. Diana Natalicio:

I am a former student here at UTEP campus, I have an issue that I’m trying to address to you in order to make a change in the UTEP community and also the communities of El Paso, as most students reside in the area. I would like to address an important issue in our community regarding children with Autism.

Autism is affecting boy and girls in the United States more every year. This type of brain disorder does not let children reason and perceive situations a normal person would be aware of and that they are deal with in everyday life. For many families that have a children or close relatives with autism life is a big challenge and Simple tasks can turn into something hard to accomplish. These special children require much support, patience and comprehension from their families, close friends, therapists and their doctors. In school they require special teachers since they have special needs that need to be met.

Autism is a type of disorder that is not seen at first sight physically, like I mentioned before it is a disorder in the brain and affects the way a children percepts the outside world. Some people happen to judge these kids by the way they act and behave in public, they tend to judge them in a negative way without knowing that this disorder does not let them comprehend about their surroundings and the people that are around them. The noises these children might make, the actions performed in front of others when being spoken to, and the way they behave around certain people might make some individuals in their surrounding find this offending and rude from their perspective. These people see it in that way because they are ignorant of the circumstances that these kids face in life. Sometimes people make rude and negative comments and some actions that emotionally affect these children and their families. In my opinion people shouldn’t judge others and specially make negative comments to them when they are not aware of and individual’s situation. I think the families of these kids have already enough troubles with their life to be dealing with what the effects that a negative comment made by someone else causes. Personally I have experienced this type of situation since in my case my brother suffers from this disorder and a simple unconstructive action a person makes regarding my brother that has this disorder causes a big effect towards our family’s emotions.

I believe that the more educated people get, the better impact they make towards others. I’m writing this to you because I think that if there were presentations and flyers at our campus about what autism is about and the signs of it, more people would become aware of it. Having presentations at classes can have a good impact and if this was done I would be very glad to make part of them. These presentations done at UTEP helps our community spread the word about autism is and informs everybody and especially helps parents be aware about this disorder, Since UTEP has a great variety of people from all parts of the community of El Paso and the border city. Making the public aware of autism can help people take action towards it and know the signs of it to help children that may have this disorder, and the sooner a child with this problem is diagnosed, the sooner they can take action to help them. My point is that being aware is the key to help these special children and their families. I would greatly appreciate if this action was made at UTEP in order to make a change and help these children in our community.


Abigail Felix
UTEP Student