Agency Discourse Observation Memo

DATE: February 15, 2011
TO: Parents and Family of children with Autism
FROM:  Abigail Felix       
RE: Children with Autism

People would assume that a child, who appears to be normal physically, is like any other normal kid. Sometimes these kids have disorders that are not visible physically. Autism is one of the mental disorders that many children have and not everyone is aware of, the reason being is that it does not show that a child has this disorder at first sight. Even the parents of these children may not be aware that their kid may have this condition. This disorder is increasing in children and is most common in boys than girls. Being informed about this disorder may orientate parents and families who might think that their child is just misbehaving or acting rude and disrespectful. In some cases that’s not the problem and it’s something beyond a kid’s capability of controlling in their behavior.
Autism is the name that is used for various developmental brain and mental disorders, which exact cause is still not known. Autism can be caused by many different factors and its severity levels vary. This disorder is becoming more ordinary than any other illnesses that develop in children and teenagers. Parents or people surrounding the child may think that kids, who do not show affection towards others, do not keep eye contact when being talked to, behavior being repeated over and over, show aggression towards others or themselves when feeling frustrated, or show lack of interest of the people that surround them is just a rude, undisciplined or misbehaved child. However, being informed about this disorder can help families and parents to understand the behavior of these children and seek treatment to help them with their everyday life.
There is no cure for Autism, since it is not know what exactly causes this disorder. Having a child with Autism is not easy at all. Luckily there is treatment that can help these kids improve their behavior, and help their family understand why they act that way. There are many organizations, support groups, events, family services and also informative websites available for kids and families with autism. All of them support and help out kids and their families with Autism disorder, these Families are not alone, these organizations and support groups are composed of professionals and other families whose child has the same problem and want to help other parents cope with these kids in everyday life. They are able to relate to each other’s problems and they can help each other out by giving out help and advice within this community of families.
Autism Speaks is a great organization that provides a website to families with information regarding Autism. Their mission is to make a change in the life of these kids and their families. They provide information about the symptoms, diagnosis, the treatment for Autism, helping resources, people can make donations, and walking events throughout the United States to raise money for these kids and to be known. Autism Speaks, makes the life of these families much better by providing them support and help from many other families whose kids have the same disorder.